The SmartCulTour Game is an integral part of a set of intervention toolkits for the six SmartCulTour Living Labs. With its playful approach to policy making, the game aims to engage stakeholders to learn about cultural tourism and interventions to make cultural tourism more sustainable for communities, the environment, and creative businesses.
The game was developed in 2021 by the Research & Development Lab ‘Cradle’ of Breda University of Applied Sciences. Drawing on insights and outputs of previous WPs such as the ‘state of the art of cultural interventions’ or the ‘Future of cultural tourism for urban and regional destinations’, concepts have been translated into a workshop with playable interactions.
About the SmartCulTour Game
The serious game is a hybrid role-playing game using a combination of a digital dashboard and backend, a mobile app (for iOS and Android), and physical intervention cards. Players take the role of regional cultural heritage stakeholders aiming to achieve their goals and needs by creating interventions or supporting someone else’s intervention.

The game can be contextualised and played in any city or region and is designed to cater 10-15 players. The setup of the game can be tailored to any local situation for which different scenarios can be played through. Once, the setting is defined and player-roles are chosen, participants play in rounds and create or select interventions which support their aims. After implementing the intervention, an evaluation and discussion on potential impacts will take place which is supported by a visualisation on the dashboard.

If you want to play the SmarCulTour game also in your area or are interested in the game, please contact Dr. Jessika Weber-Sabil, senior researcher and lecturer at BUAS at
Privacy Statement for iOS App
This Privacy Policy describes how your personal information is handled by SmartCulTour on iOS and Android too. You can download the Policy here.